about 50 to 60 hours a week between my corporate job and my “rock star” job means the weekends are filled with laundry, errands and house cleaning. After all, it is important that the
house always be clean and everything be in order. Plus, I feel like I have to get to gigs early so I don’t have to rush setup, so dinner on gig nights is usually a sandwich from Subway, eaten on my lap while I am driving. Writing this down and reading it back, makes me realize how crazy I can sometimes be! There is a part of me that feels if I have some fun, if I am not the first one in and the last one out, if I don’t keep my eye on all the balls in the air, I will somehow be punished. So this weekend, I said to hell with the house and the early arrival time! Take a chance and just live! In return, I got an evening of great food and insightful
conversation, along with quite a few laughs!
Is the house as clean as it could be? Nope. But guess what? It is still a nice sunny day and so far, I have not contracted any deadly disease brought on by dust on my dresser. What about the gig? Went great, and only had one minor squealing sound that came briefly out of the sound system. The dance
floor was so full nobody noticed.
Now don’t get me wrong. No life should be all fun. Working hard can be both financially and emotionally rewarding. But every once in a while it feels great to just live!