Spend thirty minutes talking about everything you have done in your career and you walk away from the interview feeling like you are one Bad Mama Jama! We all forget how much we have accomplished until we actually sit down and talk about it! Be prepared to go back to your current job and feel like they are so lucky to still have you!
If I get called for an interview, even if it is for a job I probably would never consider taking, I go. Why? PRACTICE. I rarely get nervous before a L.A. Lyon show. Why? Because I have been doing it for years. Interviews are the same way. When the one job you really want comes up and they call you for the interview, do you really want to go in not having interviewed with ANYONE in five years?
You go to work every day and you think, “This is all there is. It will never be any better.” WRONG! There are dozens of jobs out there that you don’t even know exist! A life you could be living that is greater than anything you could ever imagine! Even if it is something you don’t get, you have been let in on a secret your current job doesn’t want you to know. They are NOT the only game in town! And you don’t have to settle!
So what is an interview? Stressful. Nerve racking. But also the door to a whole new life! Open it. You never know what you may find.