1. Sleep late. Skip the gym, turn off your alarm clock and watch “The Price Is Right" in your pajamas. Tell the contestants in the big showcase what they should bid, even though they can’t hear you.
2. Eat some form of cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
3. Declare No Worry Day.” No thinking about bills, North Korea, earthquakes or whether or not your car will make it to spring. For one day, rest assured that everything will turn out just fine.
4. Bake a tray of your favorite cookies, just for you. Not from scratch. Too much work. Besides, Pillsbury has cookie dough test kitchens, so you wouldn’t want all that research to go to waste, would you?
5. Most importantly, celebrate you! Think of all the great moments you would hav missed in the last year if you hadn't had one more birthday. And think of all the great moments you will have in the upcoming year. Because isn't that what a birthday is really about?